FOMSO’s aims & objectives:-

(i)   Unite, co-ordinate, consult and advise Malaysian Sri Lankan Organizations so that they can work together;

(ii) Work towards and strive for the advancement and welfare of the Malaysian Sri Lankan Community in terms of economic, educational, cultural, sporting and other activities as more specifically set forth hereinafter;

(iii)   Establish institutions to further the above-mentioned causes and to co-ordinate and assist the activities of the existing organizations;

(iv) Make a study of the laws and legislation affecting the Malaysian Sri Lankan Community and to place before the proper authorities its findings and to seek remedial action.

(v) Encourage informed and knowledgeable participation of the Malaysian Sri Lankan Community in the development and growth of Malaysia;

(vi) Keep the Malaysian Sri Lankan Community informed and be aware of pertinent issues affecting them;

(vii) Establish a National Website containing information pertaining to FOMSO and its Members relating to the various activities above mentioned and other matters and concerns of the Malaysian Sri Lankan Community and to print issue and disseminate information pertaining thereto from time to time;

(viii) Establish a Fund to be known as “FOMSO FUND” for the purpose of promoting the Aims and Objectives of FOMSO, through donations, roadshows and other fund-raising activities;

(ix) Purchase or by any other means, acquire any freehold, leasehold or other real or personal property or any estate or interest whatever, and any rights or privileges of any kind over or in respect of any real or personal property;

(x) Borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as FOMSO may think fit and to secure the same or the repayment or performance of any debt, liability, contract, guarantee or other engagement incurred or to be entered into by FOMSO in any way, charged upon all or any of FOMSO’s property both present and future, and to purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities or debts;

(xi) Secure or discharge any debt or obligation of or binding on FOMSO in such manner as may be thought fit and in particular by mortgage and charges upon the undertaking and all or any of the assets and property (present and future).